Martes, Marso 15, 2011

Iliad and Odyssey: Helen VS. Penelope. Contentment and Faithful.

A Greek poet named Homer attributed the great two epics in the century; The Iliad and The Odyssey. The epics written by homer are all about Love, Compassion, Patience, Suffering and Sacrificing. The Iliad, it is the story of the siege of Troy. Cassandra, daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba tells about the future of Troy. As days goes by… Queen Hecuba bore a child named Alexandros but Cassandra’s command is to kill him, the reason is he will cause the downfall of Troy. The King command the soldier to banish the child on the top of the mountain, but the soldier refuse to kill the child so he left him alone in the mountain. Suddenly a good shepherded take him and take him as his son and he name it “Paris”.
A fight between Hector and Paris is the way why Paris became known as the son of King Priam.
Paris is now part of Troy, his father commands him to go in Sparta. It is time that he met The King of Sparta; King Menelaus, King of Mycenae; King Aganemnon and last is Helen. Helen and Paris were in love in each other. Paris elope Helen, this being one of the immediate causes of Trojan War.
A fight between King Menelaus and Prince Paris is about winning the Love of Helen. Paris was cheated by Aganemnon’s plan without knowing by his brother Menelaus using his sword. Hector charged everything in the battle.
Hector died because of Achilles, Achilles died because of Paris and Paris died because of Aganemnon. 
10 years after, a horse or a Trojan horse has been presented as peace offering by the Spartans and Mycenae’s but unfortunately this is the beginning of their revenge. Many people died during the war. The King and the queen of Troy died, Helen was abused by Aganemnon.
After the war, Trojans   died and Aganemnom died because of his wife Clytemnestra. Helen is now with King Menelaus.

Odyssey, another epic of Homer talks about the tale of Odysseus wanderings and journey.  Odysseus is the legendary king of Ithaca. His wife Penelope bore a child name Telemachus that time he need to go with Menelaus and Aganemnon to conquer Troy. Athena, God of wisdom , she become his mentor during his journey.
 Remember the Trojan horse; it is the idea of Odysseus so that they will conquer Troy. After the war, Odysseus becomes arrogant to the gods especially to the god of sky, Zeus and the god of the sea, Poseidon. Poseidon declared that Odysseus will suffer. There are lots of obstacles that Odysseus experience during his journey. He met first Polyphemus the uncivilized one eye giant, son of Poseidon. Aelous who help them to go back to Ithaca but unfortunately it takes time and years because of his soldiers fault. Odysseus and his company stayed 5 years in the land of Circe a beautiful witch goddess. They also went in the underworld to meet Tiresias ask how to get back to Ithaca. They meet another creature which brought to death by his Brothers.
On the other hand, Penelope is still faithful and keeps in waiting for Odysseus, and his son Telemachus is against about his mother’s suitors. His suitors keep on telling them that Odysseus is dead but two believe that Odysseus is alive and they do not have the right to declare that Odysseus is dead without any proof.
Odysseus is now in the land of Calypso, land of Ogygia. He stayed 10 years. A god namely Hermes tell Calypso that Odysseus must go back to Ithaca, so Calypso tell Odysseus to go back with his wife and knowing that she’s still waiting for him.
His journey will never be finish until he is not in his kingdom. Odysseus met Poseidon in the sea and makes him suffer for about 17 years.
A kingdom name Phaeacians help him to go back to Ithaca. Because of this, Odysseus returned to Ithaca.
Odysseus met Laertes first, his aging father and finally his son Telemachus.  Athena talk to Odysseus, he must test the suitors of his wife and disguised as a beggar. The purpose is to know if his wife is still faithful to him. Everything which is planned by Telemachus is succeeded.
Comparing of two Characters, I would say that Penelope is the protagonist and Helen is the antagonist. Penelope is being faithful to his husband Odysseus. She never had an affair with someone compared with Helen who brought a war and death among people. Helen cannot be a matured enough, must know what will be happen if he will pursue in doing these things.
I’m inspired about Penelope’s existence in the story, a faithful and devoted wife and mother to her family. Beauty is not enough but the attitude and integrity is more important in which Penelope have rather than Helen.

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